Sunbury is a premiere transportation company, specializing in US and Canadian cross-border shipments and moves freight via truckload, van, flatbed, bulk wood fiber or container services. We want to thank you for your interest in becoming a partner carrier with Sunbury Transport Limited.

To become a certified carrier, you must:

  • Provide your MC/MX# or DOT# to begin registration. Intrastate carriers without a DOT# may provide an applicable state registration number to begin registration.
  • Supply your company contact information.
  • Submit an electronic W9, W8 BEN or W8 BEN-E (have your TaxID available).
  • Complete the Carrier Profile.
  • Read and ACCEPT the Agreement(s).
  • Provide a Certificate of Insurance that meets the insurance minimum requirements below. Certificates must be submitted from your insurance producer (agent)
    • $100,000 Cargo Coverage
      • $50,000 Non-Owned Trailer Coverage
    • $2,000,000 Auto Coverage
    • Workers Compensation Coverage
    • $2,000,000 General Liability Each Occurrence Limit
    • $2,000,000 General Liability Aggregate Limit
  • If RMIS does not already have a copy of your certificate on file, we will request one for you from your insurance agent (producer).
  • You will be required to meet the following requirements:
    • Active Common or Contract Authority.
    • Safety Rating must be Satisfactory or None.
    • Authority active for at least 180 days.